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The Ultimate Checklist for 11 Plus Exam Day

11 Plus exam day checklist The 11 Plus exam is a significant milestone for many children, marking their first step toward securing a place at a prestigious grammar school. For parents and students alike, the day can be filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. However, careful preparation can ensure that the day runs smoothly and reduces stress. To help you and your child get ready, we’ve put together the ultimate 11 Plus exam day checklist—an essential guide to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Pre-Exam Preparations

One of the most critical aspects of a successful 11 Plus exam day is preparing well in advance. Understanding the logistics and format of the exam is key to building confidence and avoiding any last-minute surprises.

Exam Logistics

Ensure that you know the date, time, and location of your child’s exam well ahead of the day. Plan your travel route to the exam centre and, if possible, do a trial run to avoid any unexpected delays. Aim to arrive at the venue 30 minutes before the start to give your child time to settle in. Checking the exam entry slip is also vital—it contains key details about the time and venue, which should be double-checked for accuracy.

Know the Exam Format

The format of the 11 Plus exam in Birmingham varies depending on whether your child is sitting for a CEM or GL exam. Familiarizing your child with the exam structure through mock exams and practice papers is a great way to help them understand what to expect. Mock exams not only familiarize your child with the structure but also help in time management. Check which tools, such as pens and pencils, are allowed and ensure your child knows how to manage their time during the test.

Items to Bring on Exam Day

Ensuring that your child has all the necessary materials is essential to avoid any hiccups on exam day. The 11 Plus exam day checklist should include a detailed list of items your child needs to bring with them.

Required Documents

The first and most crucial item is the exam entry slip. Without this, your child may not be allowed to sit the exam. If the exam centre requires additional identification, such as a student ID or passport, make sure this is packed as well.


Ensure your child has enough pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and pens. A spare of each is always advisable in case something breaks or runs out. Packing everything the night before will help avoid any last-minute stress. Make sure the pencil case is clear if the exam centre requires this, as some do not allow opaque cases.

Water Bottle and Snack

A simple, non-spill water bottle is a must to keep your child hydrated throughout the exam. Pack a light snack, such as a cereal bar or piece of fruit, to help maintain energy levels during any breaks. Check if the exam centre allows snacks during the break period to avoid any issues.

Dressing for Comfort and Confidence

Your child’s comfort is just as important as their focus on exam day. The right outfit can help them feel confident and at ease throughout the test.

Comfortable Clothing

Select clothing that is weather-appropriate, comfortable, and non-restrictive. Avoid anything too tight or that may cause distractions, such as itchy fabrics. Layers are ideal for uncertain weather, allowing your child to adjust as needed during the day.

Dress Code

Some exam centres may require students to wear their school uniform, while others allow casual clothing. Make sure you check the rules beforehand to ensure your child complies with the exam centre’s dress code.

Health and Well-Being Tips

Maintaining good health is vital for peak performance during the 11 Plus exam. Our 11 Plus exam day checklist includes some health tips to help your child feel their best on the big day.


A well-rested mind performs far better than a tired one. Ensure your child gets at least 8-10 hours of sleep the night before the exam. Establishing a regular bedtime routine during the weeks leading up to the exam will help promote healthy sleep habits.

Balanced Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast is essential to fuel your child for a long exam. Opt for foods rich in complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and fruit, for sustained energy. Avoid sugary cereals and pastries, which can cause energy crashes later in the day.

Mental and Physical Relaxation

Encourage your child to practice light stretching and deep breathing exercises before the exam to help ease tension. Gentle physical activity and mindfulness techniques can help improve focus and reduce exam-day anxiety.

At the Exam Centre

The exam centre can feel overwhelming, especially for first-timers. The final section of the 11 Plus exam day checklist focuses on what to expect once you arrive.

Arrival and Check-In

Arrive early to avoid any stress. Once you check in, find a quiet space where your child can settle and mentally prepare for the exam.

Keeping Calm Before the Exam Starts

Encourage your child to take deep breaths and engage in calming activities, such as light reading or chatting with friends. This will help them focus and feel more relaxed.

Ensuring Full Attention

Remind your child to pay close attention to the exam invigilators’ instructions. Following directions carefully is crucial to avoid mistakes or confusion during the exam.

Post-Exam Checklist

After the exam, it’s important to reflect and prepare for the next steps.
  • Talk to your child about how they felt during the exam. Use this as an opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of the outcome.
  • After the exam, your child deserves some relaxation. Results can take some time, so continue to offer your support and guidance during the waiting period.

Summing Up

Happy students after exam dayThe 11 Plus exam day checklist is a valuable tool to ensure your child is fully prepared and confident on the day of the exam. At 11 Plus Grammar Preparation Success, we are dedicated to helping your child reach their maximum potential through personalized tutoring and early 11 Plus preparation. Our experienced tutors focus on nurturing a love for learning, ensuring your child feels both confident and well-prepared for their exams. Let us guide your child through every step of their 11 Plus journey.