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How To Administer An 11 Plus Mock Exam Plan At Home

With the National Curriculum 11 Plus exams just around the corner, parents are starting to get anxious about the pressure their children will face on this day.An 11 plus mock exam can be taken at home to simulate an exam and provide children with a sense of what they will encounter come exam time.From our experience, we have found that this is a great way for children to prepare themselves mentally for the 11 Plus exams as well as provide parents with more information about their child’s progress and the development of their confidence.

Prior to the day of the 11 Plus mock exam

Setting a date about a week in advance can help when it comes to anxiety. Try finding a good routine during the week! Don’t overdo any revision, have your child stay relaxed, so that they can eat properly.Set up a really silent room for the 11 plus mock exam. Have your child use white-out or glue so that they can’t cheat. Make sure they get to the room on time and start as soon as possible without considering lunch or toilet breaks.

When your child sits for the 11 plus mock exam

We suggest that you make the 11 plus mock exam experience as similar to the real-world as possible. If your child needs to use the bathroom during a test, then don’t give any extra time; call out at half time and five minutes before exam ends.Children are often required to sit 2 or more papers. Make sure the 11 plus mock exam is as close to the actual test as possible.

When grading the answers

To overcome the stress of a mock exam, we at Pass 11 Grammar suggest that you should take things step-by-step and make sure you go through feedback sessions.You may want to talk with your child about their energy levels, and if they feel pressured about anything. This will help them adjust and will guide them through the day.Sometimes, a second 11 plus mock exam day is worth it—children often do much better the second time because they’re more comfortable with the process.From experience, we have found that lots of little mistakes can creep in when you’re tired – this is because the pressure of an upcoming 11 plus exam and how tired your brain is. These small mistakes can be what decides whether your child passes or not, so make sure to focus on them!

11 Plus Mock Exam Papers for Preparing Your Child

Schools sometimes publish past 11 plus exams to give students a chance to work on the real thing. However, be careful as these are often not full papers or they may come without some disciplines.When provided as a resource, we would recommend using school-assigned papers to get the most realistic feel. Be careful though that you do not become too reliant on them, as they are sometimes unavailable.There are also revision materials available for Non-CEM 11 Plus Exam Schools. Most packs contain four papers, but that may not be enough. It’s better to make sure you buy enough or just use some different ones of your own if you have any leftover from the weekly work.You may wish to take advantage of our Mock sessions. Please call us.